Friday, May 10, 2013

Stress and Smells

Back aches, head aches, joint aches, ache aches, heart burn, using the bathroom every 20.7 minutes, weird eating habits, and more. Just a list of what I've heard to be some of the most common pregnancy quirks. It seems that their being annoying comes from the fact that they're almost constant rather than unbearable. Good thing babies are so darn wonderful.

For me, the constant and occasionally exasperating reminder of a cute bun in the oven is my dog like sense of smell.

my thoughts exactly
Italian food, my husband's soaps, bread baking (so sad), brownies, fish, and so much more nearly topple me over the edge with their nausea inducing power. One Sunday night with hardly any food in the house (grocery stores smell weird too) my husband fried up some old fish and added onion and garlic. Keep in mind that we have a basement apartment that clings to smell like nobody's business. Needless to say, the poor man had an up close and personal experience with a hormone induced explosion of tears, wails, and gnashing of teeth. His right eye is still twitching. I'm not proud of my actions, but it is what it is. It seems that pregnancy can be somewhat of a refiners fire for men as well as women (not to be too dramatic...).

But, this mini super power of mine has it perks, such as giving me dinner ideas. Every evening as I'm walking to work or they gym I smell my neighbors dinner..."mmm someone's making soft tacos smothered in chili verde sauce with lime rice and, wait is that...a hint of cilantro?" or "oooooohhh enchiladas!" or "wow meat loaf...and sniff sniff rosemary and onion roasted potatoes!?". You think I'm kidding. Nope. I swear my neighbors barbecue every day and every time I smell their succulent cow I'm tempted to press my nose against their window until they invite me in.

My favorite perk though is my greater appreciation for the smells of nature. Who knew a walk in the rain could be so wonderful! I have LOVED smelling the flowers bloom, spring storms, and the dirt that everyone's using for their gardens.

This week has been very stressful. The insurance we're trying to get has been 99.7% impossible to deal with and keeps rejecting us (long story), our school health insurance won't pay for what they said they would, I'm not sure if I registered for Chinese rocket science or Physiology, (either way I have no clue what's going on), I feel like I have no time to keep my house nice and make decent meals (so we end up with peanut butter and ketchup sandwhichs) and in a moment of brilliance I signed up for a needed class during a work shift...great. Needless to say I was kind of on edge this week.

BUT...I loved the smell of being outside. As I'd walk to campus sniffing on some of nature's best (in polluted Provo) I'd feel my worries melt. My heightened, super power sense was just the distraction I needed from my problems. On one afternoon as I walked home, smelling the oncoming rain storm, I listened to a man whistle one of my favorite hymns. An overwhelming love and understanding from my Heavenly Father filled my heart and brought peace and hope. I knew that no matter what happened, all would be well. And it will be :) As usual, life is good.

***Side note: If it seems like all of my posts about pregnancy are complaints, I'm sorry. Just a reminder that I am more than ecstatic about my baby and already love it more than I thought possible. My pregnancy has been such a blessing and I really am grateful. I guess I just find all the changes to my body somewhat amusing and interesting so that's what I end up talking about.

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