Sunday, May 28, 2017

Some May Happenings

We will be posting family updates here instead of Instagram. For more info about that check out the previous post. But for now, we've been enjoying the warming weather. This month we took a family trip to Hawaii for a reunion, came home, and put Carter to work preparing our back yard for a concrete pour. We've wrapped things up with a Jackson birthday party celebration. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of that because we were having too much fun....But here's what I do have from the month :)
We went to Hawaii for a family reunion. This was our first glimpse

Carter is so good to play with the boys. He seriously adores them and they can't get enough of him. They spent a lot of time playing together in the sand on our trip. 

For some reason the boys loved being buried. They'd ask to be buried every time we went to the beach. 

Trying to get a good pic...didn't happen. But they're sure cute! 

Heavenly Paradise! 

What a babeeeee

Playing at the PCC with aunties!

At the PCC before seeing their newest show

Grabbed lunch at a cute pizza parlor by the beach.

We found a little natural wading pool at the beach, it was perfect for the boys. 

This is the first video of our cleaned up newly poured concrete. Carter spent about two months using all his free time to prepare for the pour. The week before the pour (on 5/20) he would go into work early so he could get home early, then he'd work in the heat until about 11pm at night getting everything ready. It was an exhausting week for him, but we sure appreciate the result! He got it done just in time for Jackson's birthday :) What a good guy!

Picking out a birthday bike for the birthday boy :) 

Jayden's been obsessed with Mickey Mouse lately....not sure where that came from because he hasn't seen any Mickey Mouse shows recently...but in honor of it we had to make Mickey Mouse cheesy bread for part of dinner one night. He was a happy boy!

I had to document these cuties in their glasses on a walk one day...

Baby bump shadow! I'm about 31 weeks here

Cute little swimmers :) 

Took this pic while I was prepping myself to start the evening clean up routine....I'm not sure why I felt compelled to take a pic....I guess to remember how messy my kitchen gets when I make dinner. Dinner clean up is not for sissies. 

Had to document the ugly blue tape meant to seal a rip in the couch...that's one way to stay humble!

Jayden made me a mothers day necklace in his primary class :) Obviously I melted.

PCC shot out of order...

Monday, May 15, 2017

Balance and Right Now

It's 9:59 pm and I FINALLY get to go shower and listen to my favorite vlog. I've literally been waiting for this moment all day long. But first, I felt compelled to document this little slice of my life. I want to remember what it feels like to be right here right now and I want to soak in all that I've learned...

There has been so much GOOD going on: We just got back from an amazing family reunion, one we've anticipated for months (more like years!) and it was awesome. I'll write more about that one of these days. I also got to spend time with my in laws last night and tonight, and that always brightens my day. They are good people, and great helpers. Carter is working his tail off to get everything ready for a big concrete pour we're doing Saturday. He's single-handedly transforming our back yard into a little boy heaven and I love him for it. I'm taking interesting classes that speak to my soul and help me define what I want to contribute. We have fun friends coming to visit soon and I'm in the midst of planning a fun birthday party for Jackson...basically life is FULL of GREAT things.

But that's just's so FULL. And it's exhausting! I definitely prefer it this way, but sometimes, when it gets to be 10pm and I'm just starting to unwind, I wonder what needs to give. I feel the pull of so many amazing opportunities and goals and I struggle to find what is "best". For example: I have a wonderful professor who is stretching me, and helping me develop as a writer and thinker. This may lead to awesome opportunities in a field that both terrifies, but also exhilarates me. I feel parts of my heart saying YES! THIS IS FOR YOU! But I'm also scared/busy and would rather just not. But then would there be regret? Probably...

 I also have two busy little boys who are both going through interesting stages...Jayden is in the midst of being a three-nager and Jackson is transitioning from baby-hood to full blown toddler-hood. Training/nurturing an almost two year old who wants control takes a lot of deliberate thinking. They've been fighting more and more and I need to figure out how to teach them to be gentle and selfless (yes I know they're only 3 and almost 2 but I'm laying a foundation!). Motherhood requires a lot of thought, prayer, reading, trying new things...and back to prayer. I'm learning more and more that I am essentially a very selfish, proud, hot tempered, and high strung person who desperately needs Jesus every hour. It's so important to me that I do right by my kids---and I always wonder if I'm doing enough. And then I just get tired because I'm sure that I'm not enough, so I give up for the day and go to bed.

I've got a big project I'm trying to get going (for those interested, check out It's still in its baby stages...but we'll see where that goes. It was originally supposed to be for school but has turned into a way to use my voice. I love it, but again, it's something else on the plate. I've got church responsibilities which I basically always mess up. But they haven't fired me yet, so I guess I'll keep trying! And then last, I'm 30 weeks pregnant and honestly not feeling good most of the time. This has been the most uncomfortable pregnancy, but I've been my busiest so luckily I don't have time to dwell on it. And holy cow, it just occurred to me that I have a baby coming in like two months. WHATTTT AMMM IIII GOOOINGG TO DOOOOOOOOO with three kids?? Survival mode is definitely on my horizon... But wow I'm excited. I seriously love this baby so much. He's my little buddy and I'm so excited to hold him on the outside....but I should probably think about getting ready...

Also, budgeting sucks. It just does. Don't you hate that you have to worry about not spending too much? I certainly do. We're planning a giant save-a-thon for the month of June to meet some financial goals and I'm dreading it. Yes yes yes yes I know. It's important to be responsible, yada yada, yada but sometimes I just hate it.

Anyways...those are some of my stressors. The great balancing act is the task of mortality right? I don't mean at all for this post to be a laundry list of complaints or a "look at me! look at me!"...I was just feeling overwhelmed and wanted to vent. And since I have my very own blog.....I get to do what I want. All in all, life is full! But it is wonderful. I think I'll take my shower now....