Monday, April 28, 2014

Married Friends...

 A couple weeks ago we moved to California for the summer and it's been great. I'll post details another time because for now I'm feeling engulfed by gratitude and I need to write about it.

 I love my life. I have LOVED the time Carter and I have spent as young married students, especially since we've gotten to be in Provo. Provo is definitely not my favorite place, but it does have some of my favorite people. We've had the opportunity to be in a young married student ward (a ward is the congregation you meet with for church based off of where you live) and we have developed some wonderful friendships. We're all young, poor students trying to figure out this whole being a married adult thing, and it really brings us together. Almost every weekend we'd end up either hiking, playing card games, making a meal or just talking for hours with at least one other couple. Sometimes we'd get fancy and go to dinner or the dollar theater (that's right, movie tickets are only ONE dollar).

 Our ward had lots of fun activities that we'd all put on. One friend did a monthly craft night, another headed up the book club, I lead weekly aerobics and then every now and then a group would put together a dinner party or something. Just a month ago all of us girls dropped off our unwanted clothes at the church house and then we all "shopped" for each other's stuff. Once, all the guys had a "games and steak" night where they played video games and ate over $150 worth of steak. I felt a little jealous and left out so I invited all the wives to come over to my place and we ate chocolate and talked about our feelings. It was really fun!

 Carter and I have gotten really close to some of the couples and decided we all need to stay in touch and go on trips together someday when we're all old and established. But in the mean time, I'm so grateful for this stage of life and the people we've met. We've shared a lot of laughs and fellowship with some amazing people. Although I am LOVING every minute we get to spend here in California, it'll be fun to go back to the "young and married" scene in Provo at the end of the summer.

 In the mean time, we're soaking up the sun and hoping to earn a lot of money and wakeboard as much as we can! I'm a real dummy and almost never took pictures of the stuff we'd do with our friends, but here are a couple. I wish I had thought to take pictures of all the people we love!

One of our favorite couples ever! We love these guys and always have a good time with them. 

A baby shower I hosted for my friend just a month ago. She's due any day! 

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