Thursday, April 10, 2014

From Cougar to Viking: A Change in School Plans

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a mother. I love children, their innate goodness and purity is such a light. Deep in my heart is a yearning to care for, nurture, teach, and strengthen them. I was that little girl who played house and loved on her baby dolls. Once in high school when I met with an academic advisor he asked me about my post grad plans. I told him I planned to attend and graduate from college, but ultimately I wanted my career to be in the home as a mother. He laughed and said he was sure my plans would change when I found my niche. Well, they haven't changed. I'm blessed to have a husband who fully supports and encourages me in this desire. We've decided that as long as we can swing it economically, I would stay home.

 When Jayden was born I still had about 2.5 semesters of school before I could graduate. Carter and I worked out our class schedules so one of us could be with him while the other went to class. On paper it looked like everything would work out, but deep down I had many misgivings. I worried about being able to balance school, mothering, and my marriage. I desperately hoped that I'd be able to give each its due energy, but when the semester started I knew that I wouldn't. Some women can and I so admire and applaud that, but I couldn't. After many prayers, and a powerful priesthood blessing I decided to withdraw from my semester with the faith that somehow, someway I would be able to finish my education without neglecting my family.

 This was a difficult decision, and though I knew I made the right choice, I felt sad. I'd always worked hard at school and made finishing at least a bachelors degree an important goal in my life. I wanted both the personal growth and professional qualifications that come from pursuing higher education. I know that having your degree isn't the end all be all for a happy, productive life, but it was an important goal to me, and I was upset I couldn't do everything right now. So I began focusing on getting various certifications to become a fitness instructor. If I couldn't pursue my degree, at least I could have that to stretch my brain.

 After a while I began researching various online degree programs. None seemed to fit my situation until I came across a program through BYU-Idaho. I sent in an application and was eventually accepted! I am now set to start as a full time online student beginning April 22. I've decided to take only 9-12 credits at a time so that I can balance everything, but I'll still get done eventually! I'm so grateful for the opportunity and can't wait to get started.

 I know that every woman is different; some choose to never finish their degree--they don't need it to do the good that they do. And some spend many years collecting a number of degrees and then use them to also bring about a lot of good. We're all unique, with our own stories. I hope that anybody reading this (if anybody does read this!) who went about their education differently from me doesn't feel like I'm saying there's one right way. Because there isn't. I just know what's right for me, so I'm taking life by it's horns and getten'r'done. And I'm so grateful for the opportunity to do so!

Love hanging out with this sweet boy each day...somebody loves their sweet potatoes

Discovering a kitty

1 comment:

  1. Jackie! Congrats, it doesn't matter what you do but feeling good about it is what is key. I wish BYU-I would have had better online degree programs three years ago lol or else I wouldn't have switched. Whether you can graduate this year or in 5 years, it will work out! Going to school online and having a baby is still tough but I love it! Good luck to you!
