Monday, August 7, 2017

The Story So Far

Hello! First off, I love you for reading this. Thanks SO much for your concern and love for our family. We have been overwhelmed with the supportive response of our friends and family.

 This is where I'll be updating what's going on with Max. I'm so sorry if it feels impersonal, I don't mean to neglect anybody--but sometimes I forget to get all the facts right when I tell the story over and over so I thought it'd be easy to just tell it once and send links to interested people. I'm super happy to answer any specific questions so feel free to email, text, or call :) Just know that sometimes it takes me a while to respond because I'm helping with Max.

For those who are up to date with the story and looking for latest info go to the ******** and read from there. Anybody looking for the whole story stay here; and last, if you just want pictures go to the end.

The Story:
I had a wonderful, uncomplicated pregnancy. I was tested negative for Group B Strep and all was well. On my due date, Friday July 28th I went into labor early in the morning. Max was born at 2:17pm weighing 8lbs 4oz in the Sutter Roseville Medical Center. Everything about the birth was beautiful and perfect. It was one of the most sacred, incredible experiences of mine and Carter's lives and we will forever cherish the memories. I'll write up the birth story eventually. Max nursed right away and was a healthy, happy little guy. For the first week, we soaked him in. There was a noticeable increase of love around our house--Carter and I agreed that it was the most peaceful newborn experience. I just hid in my own little corner with my babies and soaked them in. Looking back, we think this special time was such a gift, a time of respite. 

A week after he was born on Friday, August 4th I awoke at 5am to nurse Max. He seemed especially agitated and even after nursing he wasn't ready to go back to bed. He quietly fussed and had no interest in laying by himself or nursing anymore. I let him snooze on my chest, but even still he seemed uncomfortable. He wasn't screaming, just noticeably irritated and slightly warm. Eventually I felt I needed to take his temperature, but couldn't find the thermometer. Again, he didn't feel super hot to the touch, but I wanted to be sure all was well. I decided to run to the drug store for a new thermometer and so Max and I loaded up. I'm not the type of mom to jump the gun--this was my third baby and I usually am not worried about little things. BUT my momma intuition bells were going off. I'm SO happy that I listened to my heart and decided to act---fellow moms: never ignore your gut! My sister was with us helping me with the big boys so just Max and I left. After grabbing the thermometer, I took his temp under his armpit and saw it was 101.5'F. Immediately we went to the ER. 

As I walked into the ER with Max in my arms I could see a noticeable difference in him. He was lethargic, kind of pale, and his eyes were rolling back in his head. I choked back tears as the welcoming nurse took one look at him and called NICU and the doctor. The doctor asked a bunch of questions and took his temp through his bottom, it was 103.5'F. They admitted us into a room and I called Carter to come right away (he was at work). Max had had no signs of sickness other then the irritation and temperature---nobody in our family was sick so we had no idea what it could be. They took x-rays, blood, spinal fluid, and urine for testing. They also put him on fluids to help with dehydration. The spinal fluid looked especially cloudy and there was excess of white blood cells in the blood and urine. Because of this, they decided to ultrasound the kidneys. They got cultures going and shipped us off to Sutter Medical Center Sacramento because of their awesome pediatric unit. We got to our room in the PICU at about 4:30pm. 

Max wouldn't eat all day and was obviously in pain. Any time he moved he tried to cry. He was happiest in mine or Carter's arms and so we tried to keep him there in between all the pokes and prodding. Nothing can describe the pain you feel when your little one hurts. It's awful. 

Eventually in the PICU they got him on fluids, two heavy duty antibiotics, an antiviral and some Tylenol to help with the fever and comfort. Twice, a NICU team tried to find usable veins in his arms, but his little veins were too small. So they used veins in his head. His poor little arms have bruises from where he was poked :( The Tylenol did wonders and Max seemed more interested in food. That first night he nursed every 1.5 hours or so which did my momma heart good. He doesn't eat very much at a time, and falls asleep really quickly after starting, but at least he's trying. I pump to keep my supply up. 

All day Saturday they would let the Tylenol wear off to see if his fever would stay down. Unfortunately, it didn't, and he'd be back in pain. I hated it; I could tell he was hurting so badly and it broke my heart. While they had yet to know for sure what bacteria we were dealing with, signs indicated that it was indeed meningitis and some sort of a UTI. They believed (and still do) that the UTI was caused by possible reflux in the kidneys and eventually lead to the meningitis. The ultrasound pictures showed that his left kidney is bigger than the right. One doctor thinks that could be an indication of an anatomical structural flaw that may contribute to the possible reflux. Another doctor thinks it's just a sign of resulting inflammation from the initial infection. After his meningitis is cleared up we will do a VCUG test to check for reflux in the kidneys. If there is bad enough reflux, we'll figure out a treatment plan. 

On Sunday, Max was visibly responding to the antibiotics. They did another blood and urine test and could see somehow that the antibiotics were helping. While the cultures weren't ready definitively, in another test they did find lots of E.Coli, Staph, and Strep. To have all three of these bugs was super unlikely so the doctor wondered if there was a problem with his immune system. They scheduled an infectious disease specialist to come on Monday and go over his tests. All of Sunday we waited and wondered what the specialist would say. 

************************MOST CURRENT NEWS!
Monday's doctor and the specialist agree that the Staph and Strep bacteria found were a result of a contaminated test. The bacterial strands they found were not the type that would cause this infection, they were just normal Staph found on the skin and Strep found in the throat. SO that means Max does not have some inherent flaw in his immune system. HOORAY! The test that picked up the Staph and Strep was not the culture, but some other test they do to get a basic idea of what they're working with. The cultures are ready and have showed E.Coli but not Staph and Strep so the doctors are confident we're just dealing with E.Coli. That means we will be in the hospital with antibiotics going through a special IV for 21 days. Max will get this special IV, called a "pic-line" (not sure of spelling) put in today (Monday the 7th). 

The specialist was concerned about the spinal fluid--some of the various levels they check for were strange. So, he's ordered an MRI to check out his brain. That will be done tomorrow. For now, I'm just praying that all is well with his little brain. If there is something wrong, we'll go from there. 

Thank you THANK YOU for your prayers, fasting, and love. We have felt it. Carter and I have mentioned a number of times how, as sad as this is, it couldn't have come at a better time. We have plenty of support from family and friends, we have good health insurance with health savings to cover our portion of the expenses, and our little family is well taken care of. Many have asked what we need, and honestly, we're doing good. Your prayers do so much :) Jayden and Jackson are staying with my mom and thrilled about the arrangement. They'll visit me regularly and Carter will split his time between them and me/Max. The hospital feeds me (which is AWESOME) and lets me stay close to Max. So really, all our needs are covered. 

This story wouldn't be honest with out my expressing gratitude for my Heavenly Father and Savior. The first day, when everything was going on, I felt inexplicable peace. I felt the presence of our Savior and his total understanding of what I was going through. We've been so blessed with a comforting spirit. I have my moments of stress and sadness, but that's OK. Carter and I have cried plenty, and it's felt good to have that release. We've also enjoyed this precious time to focus on Max; I love that I get to sit and love on him. It's good to relish in this time where I get to be his comforter. In his his little world full of poking, prodding, and discomfort I love that I get to be his place of refuge. I  think nursing and staying close by him is so good for his development and ability to trust. I'm grateful to God for this opportunity to love on him, it's done my soul good. We are confident that all will be well. We know that we're being watched over and feel at peace. 

Love to you all! 

Max in his swing on Wednesday 8/2

Blurry, but I love that little face. Just chilling at home before he got sick. 

Taken early in the morning after a feeding during our week of gold. I was soooooo happy and full of love here, I took the pic to have a token of the moment, and literally cried after because I was so sad that someday Max wouldn't be a newborn. #hormonalmuch?

Playing at home :)

In the ambulance on our way to Sutter Medical Center Sacramento

Poor sick boy

Our little angel!

Jay and Jack came to visit and we played in the music therapy room.

Jamming with Daddy

I love the count off

2am feeding and consultation with nurses about some medications---afterwards I went into the bathroom and saw how awful I looked hahaha. #reallife #embarassing I promise I put myself together during the day! but at night it's a little scary...

I went for my first postpartum run in between feedings and found this rose garden at McKinley Park. My heart needed this tender mercy! Nothing helps me more than exercising in gorgeous scenery. 

Max being cute after his midmorning snack


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey. I know your faith is working miracles! So grateful for the tender mercies. Love you!

  2. Keeping your sweet baby and your family in our prayers! Sending our love 😘

  3. You guys are so strong and I admire your reliance on the Savior ❤ your family and precious Max are in our prayers, hopefully he has a speedy recovery!

  4. Such an adorable little guy!! Thanks for the update. We are thinking of you all constantly. You are a super mama!

  5. thanks for the update! We are praying for you guys:) lots of love coming your way
