Tuesday, July 15, 2014

21st Birthday Bash

Yesterday was my birthday and it was fantastic! The best part was Carter getting the day off of work so he could be with me all day. He spoils me silly and is so fun to be around. For my birthday I wanted to be with both my families on Lake Combie. So in the morning, Carter, Jayden and I went to the grocery store to get things ready for a shishkabob barbecue on the lake. Then we headed over to hang out with Carter's family and some friends on the water. We spent the day swimming and watching all the cute kids "do their thang" on the wake board and tubes. Then in the evening my family showed up and we all played on the water and had dinner. Another family with the cutest four little boys joined in for the day's festivities. I had so much fun and was so grateful for all the people who made my day special. I've got such a great life!

Party at "The Point"! We got a bunch of IBC Root Beers since I'm finally legal

Cute little mancub

This little boy SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! I feel like a new woman. He gets hot easily so lately he's been sleeping in his diaper :) 

The roses Carter brought me for my birthday

Little man learning how to drive the boat :) Trying to be just like his Daddy!

At my favorite place with my favorite people. Look at that perfect water! 

Oh dear, my facial expression is not very cute...but that's ok because Jayden's is! This was his first tube ride and he got a little nervous 

I sure love watching him wake board!

Tantrum...nailed it!

Blurry, but I liked the sky colors

Another blurry pic of everyone enjoying their IBC Root Beer
This is how we party! I love those little water polo players in front...so cute!

Running Gear for my birthday :) All set for the marathon!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! Looks like it was very fun. And I'm so glad you are getting sleep!
