First off, my phone keeps dying. Which means I need a new battery. Which stinks. But alas...first world problems. It's so silly how some of our greatest blessings (like an awesome phone) can turn into annoyances. I'm just spoiled I guess.
Next, Jayden is D E S T R U C T I V E. Seriously. I turn around and BAM marker on the wall. BAM food storage all over the floor. BAM shampoo on the toilet. BAM library books strewn about. Goodness, who is responsible for this kid and WHY CAN'T THEY KEEP HIM CONTAINED?? I don't know. When you have an idea please send it my way. In the mean time I'll be picking up something or scrubbing off the last semblance of my sanity that has spilled onto the floor along with the peanut butter he decided to smear everywhere. Luckily, the child is cute. Often I have to decide to just let it go, laugh, take a picture, and enjoy.
Also, despite their messy ways, my boys are so precious. When Jackson was born and life was hectic I had to clearly decide to slow down and SAVOR. I want to savor his precious smiles and coos. I want to savor the way Jayden toddles around (destroying things...wait what?) and says cute things like "Good night momma!". The other morning Jayden woke me up by riding his little trike over to my bed and giving (I mean throwing) his cereal bowl at me with a "MO BREFESS!" It wasn't the easiest way to wake up, but it makes for a good story and I'm tickled every time I remember. For the record, we HAVE been working really hard on saying please and being polite. But come on, the kid isn't even two.
I love how much my boys love to read stories. For a long time I wasn't sure if Jayden even cared about reading because he never seemed to pay attention. I was really concerned about it because apparently the world will end if you don't have a good reading session with your kid every day. But then one day he was obsessed and now we have to replenish our supply of books very regularly. I love that he loves it. And I love that I know longer have to worry about the world ending.
Jackson is the most social little thing you'll ever meet. His eyes light up when there are people around and he's happy to coo to, smile at, and kiss anybody. He is such a precious baby and I adore him. He gave me a good 6 hour stretch of sleep last night and it was GLORIOUS (cue the hallelujah chorus). I am happy to report that my sleep deprivation is slowly but surely getting better.
I love to watch Jayden learn things. For a long time you just talk to your baby all day, hoping that he cares and/or is maybe learning something. And then one day he talks back, saying something EXACTLY how you'd say it and you realize that, jee whizz, he was paying attention!? It's fantastic. I love watching his cute personality shine through.
Mornings are horrific. I hate waking up in the morning---I literally need an hour before I feel somewhat human. I've always wanted to be more of a morning person, but I just don't know if that will ever happen. I really do love life, just not in the morning.
We've been focusing on eating a lot healthier (except we always have treats on Sunday because come on people, life without dessert is just sad). I love to cook and it's been great learning how to budget for and prepare healthy food. Maybe someday I'll write about that.
I'm obsessed with podcasts and listen to them all day. Laundry and other menial chores are way more fun when you have something to learn about. Technology is incredible I tell you.
Hmm, what else. School is going well for Carter and I. I'm taking an easy semester and it's fantastic. Someday, perhaps before the world ends, I will graduate. Carter says that when I do we will go on a fun vacation. So hold him to that cyberspace because I'm a girl who loves to travel.
That's about it. I'm blessed with so many fun and inspiring people around me. I love my family, my ward, and all my friends. Life is, as usual, just so good.
At the farmers market!
This couple who keep bees created a skin cream that helps with ezema. It's amazing! Go buy it!
Jayden is obsessed with "boo-ball", more commonly referred to as football. Go Cougars!
Playing in the rain :)
Oh hello adorable baby! Please never grow up.
After morning jobs during the few moments before their outfits and hair dos get gunked up. Luckily they're pretty adorable regardless :)
Wearing Jackson to the grocery store. Shopping with two babies is quite the adventure.
Love him
During our date night on the couch listening to our babies scream. And yet it was still fabulous. I sure love this guy.
Yeah so this happened. One of those "we better just laugh" moments.
Found a Pinterest brownie recipe we had to try for our Sunday treat and I decided to let Jayden lick the bowl for a minute because I'm a bad mom who wants my kid to get diabetes and salmonella poisoning. Jayden was all for it.
Reading stories in our jammies or just a diaper because sometimes it's easier to go without clothing.