Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Summer Fun

Hello Cyberspace! Well summer is over and what an awesome summer it was. Being in California was so much fun! We loved being by family and all the opportunities that afforded. Carter had an awesome job with a great company and has a great chance of working for them after he finishes a Masters. So we're happy and feeling incredibly blessed.

I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should've; I really do need to be better at capturing the moment, but here's what I do have.

Sleepy boy...I sure love him! 

So who knows how to make this right side up? Shoot. Well this is the South Jordan Temple

On temple grounds

Getting ready for Wake Island with the guys!

So many wakeboards!

Just a boy and his boards. 

Ok...I just need to kiss those little cheeks.

 Wake Island was so fun, but man its intimidating riding with all of these talented guys!


Look at that cute little boy

Let's take a closer look. 

"Oh hey mom"

AHHH HOW DO I MAKE THESE PICTURES RIGHT SIDE UP! But he's so darling. Just tilt your head dear reader


When Jayden cuddled with Carter on a walk. This child NEVER cuddles. 

Well, obviously I'm having some technical difficulties. But I've got to rush and currently don't have a minute to troubleshoot. Oh well. We had a great summer but love being back in Utah. Life is good!