Ok two things
First: I smashed my smart phone in the door of my car because I am dumb. I was worrying about 43,289 things at once and didn't think to look for it before I slammed the door shut. So I now have a dumb phone and can't post pictures as easily. In fact I can't even take pictures. We're talking a flippy from the 90s folks. Rats. Also, posting in Instagram will be about 456 times harder, so to any of my family, don't expect to see much. Man oh man did I love having a smart phone--but I find that it's way easier to concentrate on being present without it. So I guess it's a blessing. Just an annoying blessing.
Second: I use this blog to post my personal thoughts, feelings, opinions, viewpoints, and ideas. I love to write--it's therapeutic for me. I think deeply about things and sometimes need to clear my head. Of course I could keep my thoughts in my private journal, but by voicing them on a public arena I feel like I'm giving life to my ideas. I'm sharing them and thus engaging in public conversation. BUT, I hate hate hate hate contention. Too often when people "discuss" things they turn it into a power struggle and make it personal.
I really admire people who can have completely different view points, discuss them, learn from each other, and come away still friends. I think the founding fathers are the perfect example of this. Throughout the constitutional convention they fought all day long. They had strong opinions about things and passionately argued their view points, doing all they could to get their ideas put in that sacred document. Yet, despite the passion they had for their views, they respected each other and were able to come away friends (well for the most part, I don't think Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ever really liked each other). But anyways, I strive to be the type of person that can amiably discuss things without getting riled up. Often times when someone posts something the least bit controversial, if they get any sort of traffic on that post, there's bound to be at least a couple people who disagree. Lots of times, these people who disagree will personally attack the writer. I think this is so sad and dumb. Really? If you honestly have a different view and feel compelled to voice it, find a way to intelligently argue your thoughts. Name calling gets no one no where, yet you see it left and right on the internet.
So, as someone who hates to offend or make anyone uncomfortable, I've refrained from writing things that I thought might be the least bit controversial. Unfortunately though, most things nowadays are. Be it which brand of diaper you buy to whether you voted for Obama, people have strong opinions about everything. But I've decided I'm done caring. Just know that this blog is full of my personal thoughts, and if they offend you for some reason I'm really sorry, that wasn't my intention. I'm not for or against certain people, I'm for or against certain ideas. I can think that someone's way of life or ideas are really horrible without thinking they're a horrible person. That concept seems really hard for a lot of people to grasp--they think that if you oppose a way of life, you oppose the person. I don't agree. I have lots of people in my life who live in a way that I think will negate their potential for lasting happiness, but I still love them, like to be with them, and learn from them. I know their worth is invaluable in the sight of God, and I know they have the potential to do a lot of good. So we live our separate lives, having different opinions, but still maintaining a friendship.
Anyways, one last thing before I finish. When it comes to having different ways of doing things, just because someone has their own system does not mean they're trying to attack yours. I see this way too much amongst mommies. All of us moms are concerned with our kids and how we're doing with raising them. We develop systems that work for our families, but then if our friend tells us about what she is doing, and if it sounds like a good idea, we feel a need to explain why we're different. Maybe I'm over stereotyping, but since I've been pregnant and had a baby I've noticed this a lot. Just because your friend does something differently does not mean she's attacking your way. I know we're all worried about doing a good job with our babies, but lets just all take a deep breath and choose to not compare ourselves (HAHAHA! easier said then done...I know!). So: If I ever write a long ranting post about how I like to do something a certain way, I'm not saying that people who do it a different way are dumb and evil. More than likely, I'm just excited about it and wanting to share.
Ok that's all. Now stay tuned for some controversial topics, (ha! just kidding. How about: how to best deal with diaper blow out type topics...Jayden's set a new record for the number of "up the back" nasty diapers in one day. Man oh man, its a good thing he's cute).