Thursday, April 9, 2015

No Posterity, I'm Not Dead

Ok I know I'm horrible about updating this thing. It's just so nerve wracking to put one's thoughts and feelings on the internet. It's essentially saying: here world, take my heart and judge it! Of course I could document our family history on a private Word document, but I'd like to think that through this blog I'm sharing the beauties (and realities!) of family life. And maybe somebody somewhere appreciates that. But anyways...

Life is good. I have a couple finals to study for and I have guests coming soon so I really ought to clean, but I feel like writing. So here I am. This is what's been going on with us:

Carter - Gosh that man is great. Of course I wouldn't tell you if he wasn't, but luckily he is so I don't have to worry about that. He has ROCKED his first semester of graduate school. He always goes into a semester not sure if he'll do OK, and then he comes away with great grades and a solid understanding of everything. It's not fair really, he just really gets engineering. He's been working as an engineer for the firm he worked for last summer. They have him work remotely while in school and over summer we'll go back so he can work full time. He's set to graduate with his Masters in Structural Engineering in December and we are SO excited. We've loved the "student" phase of our marriage, but it will be exciting to move on. Besides work and school, he hangs out with Jayden and I. He makes family a top priority and I am so grateful for that. Every night, after he's done with everything we watch an episode of Psych and snuggle. It's low key, but totally our favorite time of the day.

A few weeks ago he took me on an overnight getaway to Salt Lake City. It was so fun and relaxing. We've made a goal to go on a little honeymoon every year, and so this was our trip for 2015. It was way too short, but so so fun. Then right after that, my parents told us about a trip they were taking to San Diego and invited us to tag along. Even though it'd require Carter to miss three days of school, we decided to do it because life is short and we felt like being a little irresponsible. So Carter spent a few days getting ahead in everything and then we drove down. We had SO much fun playing in the ocean and relaxing with family.

Jayden has been so fun, but SO busy! He's become more of a toddler than a baby and it's both exciting and sad to me. I miss my little baby! He toddles really well and is always climbing on things or getting into something he shouldn't. Keeping up with him is exhausting! His personality is really coming through and I love having him around. He likes to "help" me while I do dishes, cook, clean, and fold laundry. I'll usually set him up next to me with his own dishes to clean or clothes to fold and we listen to music and dance while we get work done. I love that he likes to be with me and I'm trying to soak it in when I can. After a while he'll get bored and decide to go do his own thing and I've found that if things get too quiet than I'm in trouble. We have our hard days, sometimes he's just ornery and stubborn. Toddler psychology is difficult! But I'm learning how to handle it. Things are always interesting.

I've been fairly busy, but that's the way I like it. In my ward I serve as the Relief Society President and I've loved it. We have a good ward and I've learned a lot from some awesome ladies. I'm also in school and have to carve out time every day for assignments. This gets interesting, but as I've gotten Jayden on a good routine, it's not hard to find time to work. I honestly feel like I'm hitting my stride as a mom/student/wife. I've developed a decent system for things and I'm feeling pretty good...but of course now that I say that something has to rock the boat. Which leads me to our newest news...

We're pregnant! And the baby is coming in a month haha! Oh my gosh, it really is a month. I better get things ready. I've been meaning to post about this newest pregnancy, but things have been so busy! I promise we love this baby with all our hearts and are so excited, but life happens fast.

Anyways, this post has gone on way too long and is far too full of rainbows and butterflies. Just know that life is not perfect; every day I have my moments and I could tell you all about my shortcomings but then this post would never end. So there you are posterity. Enjoy :)
Jayden helping me study! 

Snuggle time after a long day

My gag reflex is triggered whenever I change Jayden because of my sensitivity to smell so I've had to get creative

My dashing boy ready for church! 

In SLC for our overnighter

Oh toddlers...

Directory to President Monson's office in SLC

Trying on the outfit my parents got Jayden from Hawaii. He wasn't in the mood for a fashion show.

Lunch time!

Hiking the Y! 

Jayden hard at work at the Easter Egg Hunt

Helping momma make cookies. Love that apron :) 

St. Patrick's Day cookies! 

On the beach in San Diego 

Jayden taking a turn at the wheel

My precious boy :) 

Hanging out with mom on temple square at conference

The Provo City Temple under construction

Cute boy in the sand

Ate a whole apple while waiting for the family to get out of the conference center during general conference! 

Found a new bread recipe that I ADORE

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